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What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is an open-source automation server designed to streamline the software development process by supporting Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD). In simple terms, Jenkins enables code to be built, tested and deployed faster and more reliably by automating repetitive tasks. It is one of the most widely used tools in DevOps environments and helps teams improve software quality and achieve faster release cycles.

Originally, Jenkins was developed as a fork of Hudson in 2011 after conflicts arose over the future of the project. Since then, Jenkins has become one of the most popular CI/CD tools with an active community, thousands of plugins and broad support for various programming languages and frameworks.

Whether you are a start-up looking to run faster iterations or a large company with complex development environments, Jenkins provides the flexibility and power to accelerate software development.

Why use Jenkins?

Jenkins is used by thousands of companies worldwide to streamline software development processes. But why do so many organizations choose this tool? Here are some key benefits:

1. Complete automation of CI/CD processes.

Jenkins allows development teams to automate every part of their software lifecycle. From building and testing code to deploying it to production environments-everything can be automated. This minimizes human error and significantly increases the speed of releases.

2. Flexibility through thousands of plugins

One of Jenkins' greatest strengths is its massive range of plugins. Whether you're working with GitHub, Docker, Kubernetes, or cloud providers such as AWS and Azure-Jenkins integrates effortlessly with virtually every development tool and platform. As a result, Jenkins can be easily adapted to the specific needs of a project or organization.

3. Open-source and community-driven

Because Jenkins is open-source, there are no licensing fees involved. Moreover, you benefit from a large community that continuously develops new features and plugins. Problems are solved quickly and there is an abundance of documentation and tutorials available.

4. Scalability for growing projects

Whether you're managing a small project or have complex, large-scale systems, Jenkins is scalable. Thanks to its distributed architecture, you can easily add additional agents and distribute tasks across multiple machines for optimal performance.

5. Platform-independent

Jenkins is written in Java, so it runs on virtually any operating system, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. This makes it accessible to various development environments.

Comparison with other CI/CD tools

Although several alternatives exist, such as GitLab CI/CD, CircleCI and Bamboo, Jenkins stands out for its flexibility, extensive plugin ecosystem and huge community. For organizations desiring customization and complete control, Jenkins often remains the first choice.

Core concepts of Jenkins

To work effectively with Jenkins, it is important to understand the basic concepts. These components form the core of how Jenkins functions and how you can use it for your automation needs.

Jenkins Controller (formerly Master).

The Jenkins Controller is the brains of the operation. It coordinates tasks, manages configuration and distributes commands to agents (slaves) for execution. The controller also contains the user interface where you set pipelines and view results.

Important: The term “Master” has been replaced with “Controller” to use more inclusive terminology.

Jenkins Agent (formerly Slave).

Agents perform the actual tasks, such as building, testing and deploying code. You can configure multiple agents to distribute tasks and balance the workload. This is especially useful for large projects with multiple builds running simultaneously.

Jenkins Node

A node is any machine on which Jenkins tasks can run. The controller itself is a node, but you can add external agents to run builds on other machines. This makes Jenkins extremely flexible and scalable.

Jenkins Job/Project

A job (or project) is a task that Jenkins executes. It can range from a simple “build and test” job to complex multi-stage CI/CD pipelines. Jobs can be started manually or automatically triggered by code updates, for example.

Jenkins Pipeline

A pipeline is a series of steps performed to build, test and deploy software. Jenkins supports “Pipeline as Code” through the Jenkinsfile, which allows developers to manage their CI/CD workflows directly in the codebase. This enables versioning of the pipeline and keeps the development process transparent and reproducible.

Example of a simple Jenkinsfile:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                echo 'Building the application...'
        stage('Test') {
            steps {
                echo 'Running tests...'
        stage('Deploy') {
            steps {
                echo 'Deploying to production...'

Jenkins architecture

Jenkins' strength lies not only in its flexibility, but also in the scalable architecture it offers. Jenkins uses a Controller-Agent model, which allows developers to easily run builds on different machines and environments. This allows for more efficient use of resources and faster turnaround of CI/CD processes.

1. Controller-Agent model

The Jenkins Controller manages the overall operation of Jenkins. It is responsible for receiving commands, scheduling tasks, managing users and coordinating agents. The actual execution of tasks usually occurs on Jenkins Agents.

Benefit: This model ensures that heavy processes do not run on the controller itself, keeping it responsive.

2. Distributed builds

By using multiple agents, you can distribute builds across different machines. This not only improves performance, but also allows you to test builds in different environments (e.g., Linux, Windows, and macOS).

Example scenario:

Suppose you have a large project consisting of multiple microservices. You can then deploy a separate agent for each microservice so that builds are executed in parallel.

3. Load balancing and scalability

Jenkins supports load balancing via Jenkins Agents, which allows you to easily handle peak load. This makes Jenkins suitable for both small teams and large enterprises.

Example of a Jenkins architecture:

                |  Jenkins Controller|
            |                           |
   +----------------+         +----------------+
   | Jenkins Agent 1|         | Jenkins Agent 2|
   +----------------+         +----------------+
        (Linux)                      (Windows)

In this setup, the controller distributes tasks between agents depending on their availability and compatibility.

Installing and configuring Jenkins

One of the advantages of Jenkins is that installation is relatively simple. Here's how to get started quickly.

Step 1: Installing Jenkins


Installation steps:

  1. Download Jenkins from the official website (jenkins.io).

  2. Install Jenkins on your system:

    1. Windows: Use the MSI installer.

    2. macOS: Use Homebrew (brew install jenkins-lts).

    3. Linux: Use a package manager such as apt or yum.

  3. Launch Jenkins:

    1. Windows/macOS: Jenkins starts automatically.

    2. Linux: Start Jenkins manually via:

      sudo systemctl start jenkins
  4. Accessing Jenkins: Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080. Here you will be asked to enter an initial admin password. You can find this password in the file /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword.

Step 2: Initial configuration

  1. Enter the initial admin password.

  2. Select “Suggested Plugins” to automatically install the recommended plugins.

  3. Create an admin account.

  4. Set up Jenkins for use by completing basic settings.

Step 3: Add plugins

Plugins are the heart of Jenkins and make the tool extremely flexible. During initial configuration, you can immediately install recommended plugins. Want to add more later? Then go to:

Manage Jenkins → Manage Plugins → Available

Popular plugins:

Step 4: Setting up your first pipeline

Now that Jenkins is installed and configured, you can build your first pipeline.


  1. Go to Dashboard → New item → Pipeline.

  2. Give your pipeline a name.

  3. Select Pipeline as the project type.

  4. Under “Pipeline script” add the following:

    pipeline {
        agent any
        stages {
            stage('Build') {
                steps {
                    echo 'Building the application...'
            stage('Test') {
                steps {
                    echo 'Running tests...'
            stage('Deploy') {
                steps {
                    echo 'Deploying application...'
  5. Click Build Now and view the result.

Jenkins pipelines: Automating CI/CD

Jenkins' strength lies in its use of pipelines. These allow you to automate entire CI/CD processes, from code building and testing to production deployments.

1. Declarative vs. Scripted pipelines.

2. Example of a Jenkinsfile.

A Jenkinsfile defines the complete CI/CD pipeline and is stored in the root of your repository.

pipeline {
    agent any
    environment {
        DEPLOY_ENV = 'production'
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                sh 'npm install'
        stage('Test') {
            steps {
                sh 'npm test'
        stage('Deploy') {
            steps {
                sh 'npm run deploy -- --env $DEPLOY_ENV'

Benefits of a Jenkinsfile:

3. Error handling and retries

In a pipeline, it is important to build in error handling. Jenkins supports timeouts, retries, and error handling:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Example') {
            steps {
                retry(3) {
                    sh 'some-flaky-command'

4. Notifications and monitoring.

Jenkins can send notifications via email, Slack, or other communication tools on successful or failed builds. For example, add a Slack notification after a successful deployment:

post {
    success {
        slackSend(channel: '#ci-cd', message: 'Deployment was successful!')

Security and access management

An important aspect of Jenkins is managing security and access rights within the environment. Because Jenkins often serves as a central tool within CI/CD environments, it is essential to secure sensitive data and access.

1. User management and role-based access

By default, Jenkins provides simple user authentication, but for larger teams it is recommended to use Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).

How do you set up RBAC?

  1. Go to Manage Jenkins → Manage Plugins and install the Role-based Authorization Strategy plugin.

  2. Set user roles via Manage Jenkins → Configure Security.

  3. Assign permissions at the project level for maximum control.

2. Credential management

Jenkins provides a Credential Manager that allows you to securely store sensitive data such as API keys, passwords, and SSH keys.


Example of using credentials in a Jenkinsfile:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Deploy') {
            steps {
                withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'API_KEY', variable: 'apiKey')]) {
                    sh 'curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $apiKey" https://api.example.com/deploy'

3. Best practices for security

Integrations and extensions

One of Jenkins' greatest strengths is its ability to integrate with almost any tool or service through a wide range of plugins.

1. Popular Jenkins plugins

2. Jenkins in cloud environments

Jenkins works effortlessly with cloud providers such as AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. Many teams choose to run Jenkins in the cloud for better scalability and less maintenance.

Integration examples:

3. Monitoring and feedback tools.

It is crucial to monitor pipelines and intervene in a timely manner in case of errors. Jenkins provides standard logging and build reports, but can also be extended with external monitoring tools.

Recommended tools:

Jenkins X — The next step in CI/CD.

Jenkins X is the cloud-native variant of Jenkins, designed to support modern applications in Kubernetes environments. Whereas classic Jenkins is primarily suited for on-premises and traditional CI/CD, Jenkins X focuses on automation in the cloud.

1. What is Jenkins X?

Jenkins X provides optimized CI/CD processes for container-based and microservices architectures. It uses Kubernetes, Helm and GitOps principles to simplify management of infrastructure and software deployments.

2. Key differences between Jenkins and Jenkins X

3. Usage scenarios for Jenkins X

Advantages and disadvantages of Jenkins

Although Jenkins is one of the most popular CI/CD tools, it has both strengths and some concerns. Below, we list the main advantages and disadvantages to provide a balanced view.

Advantages of Jenkins

Disadvantages of Jenkins

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

Several problems can arise when using Jenkins, especially when configuration becomes more complex. Here are some of the most common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

  1. Build failures due to incorrect configuration.

    1. Cause: Wrong path references, incorrect build environments or missing dependencies.

    2. Solution:

      1. Check the build log carefully.

      2. Use a Jenkinsfile to standardize build processes.

      3. Test the pipeline first in a staging environment.

  2. Long build times

    1. Cause: Inefficient scripts, too many parallel processes or resource constraints.

    2. Solution:

      1. Use caching and minimize dependencies.

      2. Add additional agents for parallel builds.

      3. Optimize test cases and avoid redundant steps. 

  3. Problems with plugins

    1. Cause: Outdated or incompatible plugins can lead to system errors.

    2. Solution:

      1. Keep plugins up-to-date.

      2. Check compatibility before updating Jenkins itself.

      3. Use the Plugin Manager to quickly identify problematic plugins. 

  4. Security leaks due to incorrect permissions

    1. Cause: Inadequately protected credentials or too broad access permissions.

    2. Solution:

      1. Use the Credential Manager for sensitive data.

      2. Implement role-based access.

      3. Secure Jenkins with HTTPS and use API tokens instead of passwords.

Frequently Asked Questions
What's the point of Jenkins?

Jenkins simplifies and automates software development processes by supporting Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD). This enables faster releases, higher code quality and a streamlined development process.

Is Jenkins CI or CD?

Jenkins supports both CI (Continuous Integration) and CD (Continuous Delivery/Deployment). It allows developers to continuously build, test and deploy code directly to production environments.

What was there before Jenkins?

Before Jenkins, tools such as Hudson (Jenkins' predecessor) and CruiseControl were widely used. Jenkins originated as a fork of Hudson and grew to become the most popular CI/CD tool thanks to its active community and wide support.

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