Ruby is an object-oriented programming language developed in the 1990s by Yukihiro Matsumoto, also known as “Matz.” The language was designed with a strong focus on readability and ease of programming, allowing developers to code efficiently and intuitively.
Ruby was first released in 1995 and quickly grew in popularity because of its syntax and powerful features. In 2004, Ruby received a huge boost with the introduction of the Ruby on Rails framework, making it a standard choice for Web development.
Over the years, Ruby has received multiple updates, with new versions bringing improvements in performance, security and functionality. The latest versions of Ruby continue to optimize the language and ensure compatibility with modern technologies.
Ruby is distinguished by a number of core principles:
Simple and readable syntax: Ruby resembles natural language, which makes writing and understanding code easier.
Fully object-oriented: In Ruby, everything is an object, which makes for a flexible and modular codebase.
Dynamic and flexible language: Ruby supports dynamic typing, with a focus on developer productivity.
Strong metaprogramming: Ruby allows you to write code that generates other code, enabling powerful automation and abstraction.
Large community and extensive libraries: The language has an active community and a wide range of easy extensions through RubyGems.
Ruby is often compared to Python and JavaScript, as all three languages are popular for web development and are known for their flexibility and ease of use. However, despite their similarities, they differ significantly in philosophy, usage, and performance.
Python is widely used in data science, AI, and backend development. It is known for its explicit and structured approach.
JavaScript is the standard language for front-end web development, but with Node.js, it is also commonly used for backend development.
Ruby excels in rapid web development, thanks to Ruby on Rails and its intuitive, flexible syntax.
The table below highlights the key differences:
Although all three languages have their strengths, the choice depends on the type of project you want to develop.
Choose Ruby if...
You want to build a fast, intuitive web application using Ruby on Rails.
You value simplicity and automation.
You don’t want to spend too much time on configuration and boilerplate code.
Ruby on Rails follows a "convention over configuration" approach, meaning you get a lot of functionality without needing to manually configure everything. This makes it an ideal choice for startups and rapid MVP development.
Choose Python if...
You are working with AI, machine learning, or data analysis.
You need a robust and clear backend.
You want a language that is versatile, from scientific research to web development.
Python has a massive ecosystem with libraries such as TensorFlow, Pandas, and NumPy, making it the go-to language for data science and AI.
Choose JavaScript if...
You are building an interactive web application where both the front-end and backend use the same language.
You want a language that runs directly in the browser and is easy for beginners to learn.
You are creating a real-time application, such as a chat app or an interactive web game.
JavaScript is the backbone of modern web development, especially when combined with frameworks like React and Vue.js for the front-end and Node.js for the backend.
To demonstrate Ruby’s simplicity and power, let's look at some examples showcasing how the language works.
Let’s ofcourse start with Hello, World! The simplest way to print something in Ruby:
puts "Hello, world!"
puts is used to output a line of text to the console
Ruby is fully object-oriented—everything, including numbers and strings, is an object. Below is a simple class and how to instantiate an object:
class Person
attr_accessor :name
def initialize(name)
@name = name
def greet
puts "Hello, my name is #{@name}!"
p ="Matz")
p.greet # Output: Hello, my name is Matz!
What’s happening here?
attr_accessor :name creates both a getter and setter for the @name variable.
The initialize method runs when a new object is created.
greet is a method that prints a message.
One of the biggest reasons for Ruby’s popularity is Ruby on Rails, a framework that enables rapid web application development.
Rails follows the MVC model (Model-View-Controller). A controller ensures that users see the correct page.
class WelcomeController < ApplicationController
def index
@message = "Welcome to my Ruby on Rails app!"
This means that when a user visits the /welcome route, Rails sets the @message variable.
To display this message on a webpage, we create an HTML view using embedded Ruby (.erb):
<h1><%= @message %></h1>
<%= ... %> is used to insert Ruby code into an HTML file.
Ruby has a powerful feature called metaprogramming, which allows you to write code that generates other code. A simple example:
class Car
["start", "stop", "accelerate"].each do |action|
define_method(action) do
puts "The car is going to #{action}!"
car =
car.start # Output: The car is going to start!
car.stop # Output: The car is going to stop!
Here, we use define_method to dynamically create methods for start, stop, and accelerate.
Ruby is mainly used for web development, especially with the Ruby on Rails framework. It is also used for automation, scripting, and backend development. While it is not as commonly used in data science or AI as Python, it is favored for its simplicity and productivity in web applications.
Generally, Python is faster than Ruby, but the performance difference depends on the use case. Ruby 3.0 introduced a JIT compiler, significantly improving speed. In web development, the speed difference is often negligible because database and network operations are the real bottlenecks.
Yes! Ruby is an excellent choice for beginners because of its simple and readable syntax. It feels natural and intuitive, making it easier to learn than some lower-level languages. The Ruby on Rails framework also helps beginners quickly build real-world applications.